Forums - MvC2: Tron Bonne ThreadPages (2): [1] 2 » Show all 48 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2: Tron Bonne Thread ( Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:04:2002 03:50 PM: MvC2: Tron Bonne Thread Tron Bonne Players Thread I know a lot of people use T. Bonne in there teams but dont count on her as a Point character. T. Bonne is actually a good point char though. N e wayz feel free to Post strats, combos, Teams, DHC's and assist combos(even if she is the the assist) anything u know with T.Bonne QCF+PP (Lunch Rush)Combos out of the corner -c/s.LP, s.LP(Multiple Hits) QCF+PP -c/s.LK, s.LK(1-3 hits) QCF+PP -s.FK(slight delay), QCF+PP(Do not hit them with Rock) Corner FP Throw Combos(All done in corner after u throw and cant be rolled out of) -c.LK, c.HP, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LK FP(Throw) land, c.LK,s.LK QCF+PP -QCF+PP -QCB+PP(King Servbot) -c.LK, s.LK QCF+PP -s.FK(release hit them with rock) QCF+PP -move forward c.LK, sFK (hit them with rock or hold rock) QCF+PP s.LK(2 hits) QCF+PP or QCB+PP QCF+PP Corner Combos(Can be rolled out of) also can be done anywhere but the servbots will get to the opponent to late so it wont even otg them use a dhc to get it to connect such as storm hail storm) -s.LK(2 hits) c.LK, QCF+PP -s.LK(2 hits) c.LP, QCF+PP -s.LK(2 hits) QCF+LK or FK(1 hit only) QCF+PP -s.LK(2 hits) c.FK QCF+PP -s.LK(2 hits) s.LP(1 hit only) QCF+PP -s.LK(2 hits) s.FK QCF+PP Corner combo and stuff c/s.LK or c/s.LP, s.LK, (tiger knee drill) jump FP(Throw) any corner combo Ending QCF+PP or QCB+PP Storm/T.Bonne/Sentinel You can DHC into the QCF+PP(Lunch Rush) after LA LS. Timing isnt that hard either. After a Lunch Rush if Sent is behind u DHC into Drones right b4 Lunch rush connects and u should be able to do the infinite best if done in corner cuz then u can launch and do a Sent air combo to super and DHC to hail storm. Or do any combo with Sent. N e wayz Keep T.Bonne alive!! Also some of the combos im sure u can probably do the King Servbot super but i havent tried yet i'll post those later. Posted by Remy Saotome on 03:04:2002 04:43 PM: Well, first off Tron should always have Sentinel (GROUND) backing her up if you are playing seriously. Sentinel helps her in her keep-away game by doing Servbot Launchers, s.rk Rocks, Beacon Bombs, and Sentinel assist. Plus, it can cover Bonne Strikes, allowing you to get ~15% chip damage safely. And, Sentinel can do some cool stuff with Tron (PROJECTILE) backing him up. Also, if your opponent ever leaves himself open, you should Beacon Bomb him. Then you can dash in and combo into Lunch Rush or you can hang back and throw a King Kobun. Other things about Tron: - She has an unlimited Air-Dash. However, gravity pulls her down to the ground after two uses, but if your opponent launches or juggles, you, she can AD again. - Her AD is slow, and really should only be used for baiting, anyway. Cancel into a jab, then block and hit your opponent's whiffed attack. - Use her Bonne Strike to cover ground like an AD, instead. Faster. - The TKed Bonne Strike is nearly lagless. - Her best jump-in is her Her and j.rk are good, too. - She can still move while doing a c.rk. This means that you can use it similar to both a stationary sweep and a slide-kick sweep, as well as to bait someone or trick them into coming down behind you and then ramming into them backwards. You can that OTG into the Bonne Strike. - Felicia/Tron is a good team, too. I play Felicia/Tron/Sentinel, and Felicia/Tron/Ruby for fun. EDIT: Felicia/Tron is good because Felicia can build virtually infinite amounts of meter for Tron and the simple combo of 1234+Tron, Please Help Me! can 50% a high-defense character. With Sentinel, 1234+Tron, Please Help Me! XX Lunch Rush XX Hyper Sentinel Force is 100% on a high-defense character. Also, you can tag Tron in pretty safely with Hyper Litterbox Kick XX King Kobun. Posted by DrumlinerJoe on 03:04:2002 10:00 PM: I know that I probably don't play Tron as well as ya'll, but her jumping fierce eats through Blackheart's demons. I like rushing down with her using Storm's tornadoes or Doom's rocks. Doing the drill move in the air with those two assists causes cool block damage. If you get Storm's air combo into lightning attack you can DHC into lunch rush, then again into something like Photon cannon or super optic blast. Pretty cool damage. I only really got one combo, jump in with lk. then call Storm projectile assist, lp hits 2 or 3 times, tornadoes hit, dash in and lp 2 times again, then lunch rush or drill. I usually try to pressure with repeted normal jumps and AAA assist calls. Works pretty decently for me usually to keep the pressure on. Oh well that's about it, sorry if I haven't told ya'll anything new. Peace people. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:05:2002 07:13 PM: The Corner combos that u use the FK for can be canceled into King Servbot. Dont worry about if we already know some things with T. Bonne others that view this thread might not. As for u saying that T. Bonne's Fierce eats the demons do mean she wont get caught up in the Infinite if u are doing a jumping Fierce? As of now trying to find off the ground combos that link into lunch Rush that can be done anywhere. W/O a DHC. Best Assist with Tron Bonne seem to Be Storm Sentinel Doom Otherwise let me know something. Coming soon T. Bonne GB combos assist combos Posted by MadHatter on 03:05:2002 11:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormIronMan Some Day u all will wake up a figure out like i did that magneto is the best character in MvC2. Also IronMan is Top Tier. HAHAHAHA!! Posted by MysterIOUS on 03:06:2002 04:01 AM: abuse the tiger kneed bone strike for near free chip abuse abuse abuse and abuse some more its tooo good and its fast as hell Posted by Gen2000 on 03:06:2002 06:46 AM: How come you didn't mention her Bonne Strike, XX, Lunch Rush combo in the corner? Its like her strongest combo and it only cost one level, taking off more than half and you can DHC into other supers for even more damage, 100% damage combo even. I thought that was always her BnB when in the corner. Her j.HP is an awesome cross-up. King Servbot chips good is lag free, the problem is with the start-up. Some of the quicker players can jump over it and counter. The closer you start it up though to the opponent, the more chances you will have to get free chip. Probably something Doom AAA, Bonne Strike, XX (when really close), King Servbot and just that chip damage go. And yes, abuse the TK Bonne Strike and NEVER do a ground Bonne Strike in the corner unless you got an assist covering her or canceling into something (anything), cause the opponent recovers faster in the air and can throw out that which could go into a deadly counter combo for Ms.Tron. Some other pros is that she only has a damage setting of 90% and her very damaging assist. Posted by Remy Saotome on 03:06:2002 04:43 PM: Tron has two pretty good Gaurd Breaks: On the ground, do jp Sevbot Launcher, pause and do King Kobun. In the air, do, pause and do an rk Bonne Strike. Also, don't abuse TKed Bonne Strikes against characters with high-priority and/or command throws. They can grab you out of it and toss Tron around. Tron's throws are very low priority, too. Do not rely too heavily on those. The Beacon Bomb is a very underrated move. People don't like it because it has weird start-up time if blocked. However, it will hit instantaneously if they aren't blocking, and the long start-up when blocked leads to people often letting go of block early and getting hit. Experiment a little and you'll see what I mean. It is much more useful than believed. Posted by ej_333 on 03:06:2002 06:54 PM: what are some ways you can combo into her ray gun (qcf + P)? I'd like to find ways to combo into her infinite, hehe, you know, the one that does repeated ray gun and kobun drops. BTW, is that infinite mashable/escapable? ANyway, I been trying to set up Ray Gun with Sentinel drones, i try something like: dn LK + Sent, MP, Drones hit, Ray Gun But Ray Gun never connects even when it seems it should, I've tried it around thirty times. maybe i should try cyke or storm assist, or something. Posted by TheDarkPhoenix on 03:06:2002 07:50 PM: Man I totally agree, at frist i play with tron just for her assist. but after playing with her a cuple of times i cansee the potenial for many traps and combos. keep the strags. coming. Posted by Remy Saotome on 03:06:2002 08:04 PM: I am unaware of a way to combo into the Beacon Bomb (ray gun). However, as I stated before, just try throwing it out at random, but not abusing it. It is fairly safe to do as long as you don't get predictable with it. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:06:2002 08:19 PM: I have know clue what infinite u are talking about which has to do with the ray gun. Where have u seen it. You can Use the ray gun in a combo though but only with a assist as i've found out so far. You can do it after the drones which u said u have tried and also one way i found which its not to useful cuz im sure it can be mashed. But Call Storm(proj)assist+FP(Throw) right after the throw shoot the the ray gun(beacon bomb) with weak punch. Right after they bounce off the typhoon they get caught with the capture move and it combos. I think that the Servbot Launcher is underrated cuz people didnt know it hits people as it comes down. I didnt use it myself for a while i thought it only hit while coming out, like a Dragon Punch with ken and ryu. Its pretty safe as long as u have a assist to protect u. Its to seems to me that T. Bonne's throw has high priority. If im in the corner or the opponent i always find ways to get off. cuz she can lead to deadly combos and DHC's of Death from just a simple throw. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:06:2002 08:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 How come you didn't mention her Bonne Strike, XX, Lunch Rush combo in the corner? Its like her strongest combo and it only cost one level, taking off more than half and you can DHC into other supers for even more damage, 100% damage combo even. I thought that was always her BnB when in the corner. Thanks for mentioning that i dont know how i forgot that one as much as its done. Posted by Remy Saotome on 03:06:2002 08:25 PM: Tron's throw is pretty low priority. Chun-Li and Hayato out-prioritize her throw, and theirs don't have that great priority. The infinite is jp Beacon Bomb, jp Servbot Launcher, repeat. The opponent has to be the correct distance away, though. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:06:2002 08:31 PM: mash It makes since thats the only thing i could think of but cant the Beacon Bomb be mashed. I guess i'll find out later tho. Posted by Chaotic Blue on 03:06:2002 10:01 PM: Man, no offense but who the hell are you guys playing. Most players will either block the beacon bomb or assuming top tier) jump over, air dash and fuck you up. The helicoperman is like her best friend. other than that,... Tron owns. C. blue Posted by FanBoy on 03:06:2002 10:24 PM: The infinite he may be talking about is the infinite in which you trap them with qcf+lp then do a dp+p ( having on kobun grab the oponent while the other drops in from the sky as a helicopter ) just as the falling kobun hits you qcf+lp again so that as the helicopter stops hitting they go back into stun... this can be repeated indefinatley and is most likely mashable.... Also for a DHC that is a massive bitch just find a way into her lunch rush (qcf+PP) and cancel into HVB... if timed correctly all the Kobun's will run over the oponent, and if the HVB is aimed downward it will hit also... for a very strong DHC... Getting into her lunch rush may be difficult out of the corner so try DHCing into it... the way i've done it is Guile(sonic hurricane) DHC T.Bonne(lunch rush) DHC Cable HVB be careful on the timing of the HVB if you do it to early the kobun's will never rush and you just wasted 2 levels Posted by FanBoy on 03:06:2002 10:57 PM: Just had a brainstorm on the topic... think of adding sentinel into this awful awful mix... say your lucky enough to call T.Bonne projectile assist and get a jump over with sentinel(doubt that will ever happen in highlevel play... but you never know)...start with a rocketpunch (massive damage and they won't fly away cause of the assist)... then find a normal combo into sentinels qcf+PP ... DHC into lunch rush...3\4's life i would assume... the assist and rocketpunch alone should be plenty... also another concept is to cancel lunchrush into hailstorm and let them both beat down on the character... timing seems pretty lenient on that one aslong as you let the kobuns come out... someone's going to have to try it though, and i can't get to an arcade or DC for a few days, so someone try it and report back... Posted by ej_333 on 03:06:2002 11:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by Remy Saotome I am unaware of a way to combo into the Beacon Bomb (ray gun). However, as I stated before, just try throwing it out at random, but not abusing it. It is fairly safe to do as long as you don't get predictable with it. sorry man, i just can't picture myself throwing out that ray gun at random times, lol. i take quite a few risks when i play, but man, that's too much risk! and I don't play tron, i was just wondering if she could start off her infinite combo easy. combos are neato, you know. Posted by S3nTiN3L on 03:06:2002 11:44 PM: well i didnt read all that stuf so you guys probly already said this infinit:lp ray gun,back up,DP (fying server bot),lp ray gun: REPEAT you cant be to close cuz then her hand hits them ohh and i think its smashable combo's: well my team is cable/sent/tron and i do use her on point sumtimes but thay all go grate woth each other (ok cable/tron isnt that good) anyways here is a few tricks. tri jump with LK+assist. if conects,dash in lk,lkxxx(cancel first hit)ray gun and do what ever you want from there (super,AC)but if it dosent wait till sent hits and dash in LK,LK and during fire push sent assist and when it starts hiting dahs in and LK,LK agian (semi trap but look out 4 AAA (capcom dont do SHIT) ok MY combo (over 100%)corner: jump in LK+sent assit,land,LK,LKxx on first hit to ray gun,dash in D.HP,SJ,(get as high as posible)lk,lk(let the second LK hit like for 3 or 4 hits),HP grab,OTG with LK+assist,lk(for two hits)xx to HP ray gun(upwards gun),C.HP,SJ,LK,LK(same as before),HP grab,OTG with LK+assist,LK(two hits)HP ray gun,dahs in LK,LKxxxlunch rush. ok yes its highly rollable and tech hitable but thay are dead b4 the super anyways i got way more strats but i g2g latez Posted by voodazz on 03:07:2002 12:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by S3nTiN3L well i didnt read all that stuf so you guys probly already said this infinit:lp ray gun,back up,DP (fying server bot),lp ray gun: REPEAT you cant be to close cuz then her hand hits them ohh and i think its smashable combo's: well my team is cable/sent/tron and i do use her on point sumtimes but thay all go grate woth each other (ok cable/tron isnt that good) anyways here is a few tricks. tri jump with LK+assist. if conects,dash in lk,lkxxx(cancel first hit)ray gun and do what ever you want from there (super,AC)but if it dosent wait till sent hits and dash in LK,LK and during fire push sent assist and when it starts hiting dahs in and LK,LK agian (semi trap but look out 4 AAA (capcom dont do SHIT) ok MY combo (over 100%)corner: jump in LK+sent assit,land,LK,LKxx on first hit to ray gun,dash in D.HP,SJ,(get as high as posible)lk,lk(let the second LK hit like for 3 or 4 hits),HP grab,OTG with LK+assist,lk(for two hits)xx to HP ray gun(upwards gun),C.HP,SJ,LK,LK(same as before),HP grab,OTG with LK+assist,LK(two hits)HP ray gun,dahs in LK,LKxxxlunch rush. ok yes its highly rollable and tech hitable but thay are dead b4 the super anyways i got way more strats but i g2g latez Great combos, ya got there as always. I have a ghetto version of the last one that does about 85-90 percent on most characters: (in corner) Throw, OTG c.lp,c.hp, sj.lp,, airthrow, land + call drone assist,OTG c.lp,(slight pause)c.hp,(drones hit)xx lunch rush. Yes it's still escapable and tech hittable, but it has fewer chances to do so at least. Plus it's important that you slightly pause before the second OTG c.hp or else you'll pop your opponent over the drones. Posted by nimh on 03:07:2002 05:20 AM: well magstormironman asked me to post here cause i play tronne religiosly (as assist) but i think i got prolly best point tronne on east coast (yes its a big boast....and not really that prestigious of an honour) hmm lemme see big trick with her is dont be predictible with dashing in the air with the trone drill big no no, use the hell outa the cross up, tronne on point should prolly always have sentinal my opinion, drones+jump over fierce is too good and if they block just do jab jab+sentinal, lk tbone strike rince repeat if they are having some troubles with the push block timing as for tronnes throw, i think she has good priority after a lk.drill or a hk.drill if they arent on point with following up with the punishment CHUCK THEM nuff said throw + corner = death her if done right is unrollable yeah yeah theres the semi throw infinite with the air combo in the corner but i learned not to get greedy after the throw, do, lunch rush lots of life, after the lunch rush (this is super leet tactic :P j/j) jump lk, throw,, lunch rush she isnt to hard to play her lp,lp, tbone strike into lunch rush in the corner is good, but better hope to hell you dont miss it, i just do lp, lp lunch rush now always big no no's , #1 her Ray gun either of them #2 her dp move to slow #3 predictible trone strike dashes in the air #4 suicide FP drop from super jump against people with kick ass launchers ie , storm, magneto, ironman ect. #4 king koban combos, all rollable that i know of #5 king koban chipping... #6 wiggling the joystick while mashing the all living hell outa her Tbone strike, i lose so much cause of this, i know better but i still do it somehow #7 her infinite is so easy to mash out of i will think of more later, remeber MVC2 isnt knowing what to do its knowing what not to do PS to the person who thinks cable/tronne isnt good....outa your friggen mind Posted by S3nTiN3L on 03:07:2002 05:33 AM: woah woah hold up coyboy that was a BIGG ASS TYPO!!! i meant tron on point and cable on assist me i play them i know how deadly them two are when cable's on point.....its like.....y use AHVBx3 or you can combo tron+AHVBx1.......same damage. yha sorry about that ^_^ Posted by nimh on 03:07:2002 10:22 AM: k as long as we see eye to eye bout that :P i forgive you Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:07:2002 03:39 PM: ray gun THough the ray gun sux i did find a way for u to get it to connect easier for whoever asked the team i use is Storm/T. Bonne/Sentinel. or T.Bonne/Sentinel/Doom(I hate doom he ownz knowone now) Anyway with storms projetile type. Jump in combo with T.Bonne s.LP+assist,s.LP ,QCF+P its probably the easiest way possible. I have found a few combos that the King Kobun is unrollable in my opinion i rather connect this super cuz its better to DHC into Sentinel it does more damage easier 100% DHC's. Also after the King Servbot the opponent bounces giving u a chance to get another throw.(dont always go for it.) unrollable King Servbot(QCB+PP) -after corner throw move forward c.LK, s.FK (do not hit them with rock cancel immediately) QCB+PP(King Servbot) -after corner throw s.LK(2 hits) QCF+PP or QCB+PP(King Servbot) -Do King Servbot right after corner Throw -Throw anywhere+storm(proj) wave dash close as hell and QCB+PP(this combo im not sure if they can roll b4 the typhoon. I'll check later.) The other combo i metioned with the storm assist also with the ray gun if and only if they cant mash out of the ray gun extremely fast u can dash in and do QCB+PP (Throw anywhere+storm(proj) raygun, dash over QCB+PP -Also the GuardBreak Servbot LauncherXX King Servbot there is a little timing issue cuz if done to early Servot will leave the screen hitting them once. Is it harder to mash out of the ray gun though since it has the slowest start up does it take longer to mash out of or is it the same as all capture types? THe worst thing about the T. Bonne assist is that if u get hit while calling her out she laughs at u. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:57 AM.Pages (2): [1] 2 » Show all 48 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.